3 keys to make it in life. 3PsPresent, Positive, and Purposeful.

Present means NOW. Don’t live in the past, put your past behind you. Don’t worry about the future. This means stop being lazy or procrastinating. I’ll do it tomorrow. I’ll start it tomorrow. If you have something to do, do it NOW. Nothing happens outside the NOW.

Positive: Be positive about your dreams, goals, and aims. Focus only on what you want or need in life. That’s your dreams, goals, aims, and aspirations. Stop thinking about why it won’t work and think about why it will work. Stop listening to people telling you you will fail.
Stop thinking is only the rich that will always be rich. Clear the mindset of it’s about whom you know. Start to believe in yourself and the god or goddess in you. Tell yourself you can make it no matter what. Tell yourself life is happening for me and not against me. Use affirmations and visualizations plus meditation to help you stay positive any moment.

Purposeful: This means to succeed, you must have a purpose. You must have a definite major purpose in life. Don’t just drift through life just like that and repeat the attitude and behaviors of 2019. If you repeat same attitude, you will get same result. Which means there’s nothing new about what you are calling New Year. Set goals, daily goals that will help you achieve your major purpose in life.
Write all that you want to achieve this year down. Then ask yourself what am I going to give in return to achieve all these goals. Write the plans down into daily goals.
Know that, there’s no such thing as something for nothing. If you want something, you must provide a service to humanity to have it.
For instance if you want 30,000.00 Ghc at the end of 6 months. Ask yourself what will I do to get this money. What is it that humanity needs in my locality or community? When you ask yourself questions, answers will definitely pops up.
Act on the answers that pops up. Which means you must take action.

Remember Bible says “Faith without work is dead.”
I can make it, I’ll make it, all is well, the best is yet to come without action are all useless.
Take daily actions that will get you closer to your goals or definite major purpose.
If you want to be an author of books. Everyday write something down or share something on WhatsApp or any social media.

Thank you all.

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